Council Meeting Minutes October 2019



Unapproved Minutes October 16, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Cascadia School Library

Directors present Melanie Davies, Thomas Stachiw, Amanda Crosley, Tim Crosley, Janice Lichtenwaldt, Ellen Beck, Liz Kearns, and Kathleen Braden

Janice started the meeting at 6:30 and all are happy to be able to hold meetings inside the Cascadia School. She asked people present to introduce themselves.

Treasurer’s Report of Sept 19-Oct 16 2019 and minutes from June 19 2019 were approved.

Melanie reported on upcoming Halloween event for Licton Springs Park and noted we could use one more volunteer for the Friends of the Forest positions. She thanked Ellen for taking on the cider table. We appreciate how long Liz handled this function for us!

Robin Amadon and Aisaya Corbray from Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) made a presentation on plans for a mixed income structure on Aurora Avenue at the Nesbit site where the tiny house village was located until this year. LIHI envisions a seven-story structure and 118 units (see attachment). If all goes well, LIHI is hoping to have it opened by spring 2022. Robin discussed funding sources, design, and plan for mixed types. Parking will not be provided but LIHI hopes to attract people who use non-automobile forms of traffic. She also discussed ways to secure the walls until construction can start to discourage tagging. LIHI would like future help from LSCC in announcing public meetings as the project proceeds. Kathleen will email Robin and Aisaya the email addresses for the LSCC directors.

Eric Blumhagen, who is a candidate for the Seattle School Board, visited and discussed some of the issues he feels are most important and asked for input.

Thomas Whittemore of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods discussed the City’s efforts to ensure a good rate of participation for the upcoming 2020 census.

Leah Andersen from ALUV vii\sited and discussed the meeting held recently with Debora Juarez and efforts to find funding for a feasibility study for an Aurora-Licton Springs Community Center. She noted possible availability of a parcel where Quiring Monuments are currently located on Aurora. There will be an upcoming budget discussion and D. Juarez has proposed funding for the study and Leah would like to see support from the area.

M/S/A he Licton Springs Community Council supports the efforts of Debora Juarez to secure funding for a feasibility study to create a community center for the Aurora-Licton Springs area. The LSCC will continue to monitor this issue and communicate progress to our neighborhood email list of residents and via other social media platforms. Kathleen will send to the City Council and to Deputy Mayor Moseley and post to the Licton Springs Facebook page, send to email list.

The group discussed various assignments for Board members that came out of the Sept Board retreat. Amanda, Janice, and Kathleen will follow up re a survey of residents and also Kathleen will post notes from the retreat unless she hears any objections by email before Oct 23.

Janice reported on communications with schools and North Seattle College. The group discussed plans for a residential facility at the college (which may be delayed) and the one year extension of the P-Patch on the college grounds.

Megan Hazen gave us addresses for parent groups from Cascadia and Eagle Staff schools and said that development of regular communication would be good between the PTAs and the LSCC: [email protected] and [email protected].

Liz noted that Epic Life Church will be doing holiday lights in the Licton Springs park again. She and Janice attended the Landmarks Preservation Board meeting Oct. 16 and the request for Licton Springs park to have historic status was approved. It will make the park the only Native American site in the City so designated. Janice will send a congratulations message to Urban Native Education Alliance people.

Thomas presented ideas on signage to solicit people who might be interested in joining the Board and Kathleen discussed the possibility of having an Advisory Board for the Community Council. The group also agreed to set up a “who we are” part of our website to identify Board members.

Thomas will be leaving the Board after December and Lindsey Webb was unanimously approved to be appointed to fill in Thomas’s term per Article VII-4 of by-laws. [^1]

Janice closed the meeting at 8:30 PM.

Notes submitted by Kathleen Braden, Secretary


Council Retreat Notes September 2019


10 AM – 12 PM at Meridian Center for Health, Seattle

Notetaker: Kathleen Braden, Secretary

All Board members present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Liz Kearns, Thomas Stachiw, Ellen Beck, Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Amanda Culp-Crosley, Timothy Crosley, Jan Brucker, and Kathleen Braden

Members thanked Janice for her organization and the room decorations to get us in a productive mood! Various members brought in food and beverages.

Janice distributed documents including an agenda and time allocation for each item to keep us on track. She welcomed everyone and explained the plan for the retreat. Board members reviewed accomplishments for 2018-19.

Members were then invited to state what they felt priorities should be for 2019-20 and Melanie Davies noted items on the whiteboard.

The group then reviewed some operational guidelines for how the discussion would proceed. Janice created a “Parking Lot” space for the whiteboard for items that occur to members but that we would park for subsequent discussion.

The group reviewed data on LSCC activities and some population profile data based on 1990 and 2010 Censuses to get an idea of distinctives of Licton Springs neighborhood.

Ellen Beck gave a Treasurer’s report and the group discussed ideas on financial side (more fundraising, more equipment, more events, paying for a newsletter editor and distribution, grants to reflect our diverse community, Arts in the Park, visit-consult with Mark mendez of Lake City.

Janice brought up the manner in which we take donations and payment of dues. Amanda noted Amazon Smile and Janice and Ellen are going to verify that we are set for that Kathleen will check on access to Paypal account.

Janice noted her hope that we will create both a fundraising committee and a marketing-outreach committee and that we not miss the chance for some items we might sell such as tee shirts or bumper stickers. She noted such committees do not need to be just Board members but we could recruit members of the community who might be willing to serve.

Amanda discussed how we might use existing funds we have in our account. Melanie noted the City’s fundraising workshops for community activists.

Other issues that were brought up included relations with schools in area, including North Seattle College, parking issue sin neighborhood, historic status of Licton Springs park and surrounding neighborhood, more on fundraising, and business relations, particularly with advent of NORA (North Aurora Business, a brainchild of Epic Life Church). Jan noted the passing of Faye Garneau and she will be sending a message of condolence on behalf of the council, pointing out Faye’s contribution to citizen activism as a business owner in the area. Jan also underscored her interest that the Council start a system to have recognition of people/organizations who have made a positive impact on Licton Springs.

Board members then engaged in a prioritization process and various people agreed to be point people on the priorities as follows:

Janice—School relations

Liz- Licton Springs historic status (park, neighborhood)

Melanie- representing LSCC to other meetings and organizations

Kathleen & Thomas- Recruiting more Board members

Amanda- Events

Tim- engagement & efficiency for monthly meetings

Finally, the Board voted to allocate $400 to Melanie to support the upcoming Halloween event.


Council Meeting Minutes February 2019



Feb 20, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Room 110 Meridian Center for Health 10521 Meridian Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133

see link for map, directions, and bus connections:

Directors present: Thomas Stachiw, Ellen Beck, Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Amanda Crosley, Tim Crosley, Jan Brucker, and Kathleen Braden

  1. Introductions

  2. Minutes Jan. 16 , 2019 were approved as distributed.

  3. Letter from Tim Motzer to Debora Juarez from Lake City Neighborhood Alliance (attached) asking for the Council's endorsement. Directors discussed it and had questions about the fee structure and asked Kathleen to send note to Tim declining but that we hope in the future to have a discussion on MHA and fees with other community groups such as LCNA.

  4. As FYI, Kathleen provided map of MHA zooning proposals and list of amendments that are up for vote in March by City Council.

  5. Discussion of Handy Andy business on Aurora.

  6. Amanda brought up Your Voice Your Choice request for proposals deadline approaching Feb 22 and the Neighborhood Street Fund program with votes due soon on proposals for Licton Springs and adjacent areas Kathleen will send out to listserv remainder for people to go online and vote.

  7. Group discussed various techniques used by SDOT and DON that creates competition and even "popularity contests" among competing projects proposed by citizens. Melanie suggested a letter about District Five being poorer than other districts in terms of sidewalks. Kathleen updated the group on proposal to improve signage in Licton Springs Park and her frustration with DON processes when this should merely be part of regular Parks maintenance schedule. She noted her intention to cease efforts to make a DON large grants proposal and will inform the d-hoc committee brought together in the fall, as well as PNA who had agreed to serve as sponsor.

Amanda noted we did not get picked for the Arts in the Park projects and will explore other possibilities. She will be looking into various grant options like Small Sparks and Neighborhood Matching Funds. Kathleen suggested that any money LSCC had agreed to set aside from our parks fund for signage in Licton Springs Park might be redirected as matching seed money for the Arts or event projects Amanda is thinking of.

Melanie noted that Epic Life Church might do another Celebrate North Seattle event. It might be good to invite someone from the church to our next meeting. She also discussed ALUV efforts to do a zoning change from commercial to neighborhood-commercial.

We discussed the Home Zone project, SDOT, data on traffic measurement and Ed Irwin applying for speed bumps for traffic calming.

Melanie noted the Aurora pedestrian bridge artwork is now up and the daffodils planted there will soon be blooming.

Kathleen noted that City Council District Five candidate John Lombard had indicated a desire to be at one of our meetings and the group noted he is welcome to come and listen but we have not had a tradition of inviting candidates in for their campaign promotions. Kathleen will email him.

Notes by Kathleen Braden, secretary

Next meeting is our general membership meeting March 20.

Lake City Letter

Next meeting March 20, 2019 6:30 PM This is our annual General Membership Meeting according to Article VI of our by-laws. Kathleen needs to post the notice to our email list no later than March 10 of the meeting. There are annual President's and Treasurer's Reports given at this meeting VI-2) and it is at this meeting when we nominate people for positions. Terms are up in March for: Thomas Stachiw, Kathleen Braden, and Amanda Culp-Crosley (who replaced Rose Whitson)


Council Meeting Minutes September 2018



Minutes of Sept 19 2018

Meridian Center for Health, 10521 Meridian Ave. N., Seattle 98133

Directors Present: Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Thomas Stachiw, Tim Crosley, Jan Brucker, and Kathleen Braden.

Thomas convened the meeting by having everyone introduce themselves and talk about what issues they were interested in putting forth. A neighbor from 105th St expressed her concern about crime, drug use, prostitution in neighborhood. Melanie offered to send her the anti-crime information Mary Amberg had provided at our June meeting. A representative from Seattle Neighborhood Group discussed the community safety survey going out regarding the 8800 block of Nesbit. Kathleen will send out the link to the listserv.

June 20, 2018 minutes and Treasurer's Report were approved.

Kathleen moved to spend approx. $78 for a banner for the Community Council to be used at neighborhood events. Seconded and approved.

Melanie discussed upcoming Halloween event in Licton Springs park and the need for Friends of the Forest volunteers. Melanie would like to also interest Eagle Staff parents and students to help. melanie requested $400 for cost o musicians, cider, and candy. MindyLee Irvine also is putting together a map of safe trick or treating houses in the neighborhood. Seconded and approved to spend the $400 requested. Melanie will communicate with Emma Medicine Whitecrow of the Licton Springs neighborhood and schools to see if costs can be reduced by coordinating with the schools. Jan expressed a desire to see Native American representative images of animals at the event. Emma also discussed the work at the schools and the hope to inspire and excite the children about tribal sovereignty of the land at Licton Springs park.

Thomas Speer of Urban Native Education Alliance made a presentation, explaining as well his role as an elder and his concern for Licton Springs' historic significance. He noted that the Duwamish people have been in the area for 15,000years because tribal traditions date back to the Ice Age. He stated that there were originally three springs at the park: Sulphur, iron oxide, and magnesium. As of today, only the iron oxide spring is intact. He expressed dismay about the graffiti, needles, trash, excrement, and prostitution in the park. He also noted the significance of the park to the David Denny family and that David Denny, unlike other Dennys, had been a friend to local Native Americans. Speer spoke for a group that is advocating for designation of the park as a historic landmark, with accompanying signage to explain the historic significance of the park. LSCC is requested to write a letter supporting the designation, as noted by both Thomas Speer and other visitors present such as Matt Remle, who provided a notebook of information.

Emma called for more money for education directly, rather than, for example, the money spent on the Andrew Morrison murals. There was a general discussion about designation of historic places in Licton Springs area.

Kathleen asked questions about the impact of a historic designation o the park management of the space and wants to be cautious about potentially negative interaction between City depts. that might inadvertently be harmful to use of the park. The group at the meeting also discussed federal recognition of tribes. Melanie affirmed Liz's role as forest steward for the park. and Kathleen gave an update on a proposal underway to DON to upgrade the signage in the park (Kathleen, Liz, Emma, Amanda Culp, and Joseph are all on the committee).

melanie reported on ALUV and the moratorium on development along Aurora. Home Zone- Greenways is also looking at ways to slow traffic in some areas around Licton Springs. A recent meeting on the topic had good attendance and there is a survey link on the Love Licton blog.

Jan, Ellen, and Amada discussed 501 c 3 status restoration. Amanda moved spending the $275 for reinstatement application. This was seconded and approved.

Jan brought up her dislike of the placement of portables at the new schools.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35. Minutes submitted by Kathleen Braden, secretary.

Next meeting Oct 17, 2018


Informal Notes from July meeting


Informal Notes from July 18 2018

(there was not a quorum at this meeting to conduct official LSCC business)

Meridian Center for Health, 10521 Meridian Ave. N., Seattle 98133

Directors Present: Tim Crosley, Joseph Amman, Liz Kearns, and Kathleen Braden.

Joseph convened the meeting at 6:40 PM.

Treasurer's Report and minutes of May 16, 2018 will be approved at September meeting.

Susan Ward, Sean Watts, Lee Bruch, and two new members of the community attended and discussed issues of concern, particularly related to public safety in the Licton Springs neighborhood.

Sean, Susan, and Lee discussed sending a docent to the upcoming July 31 field trip for City Council Reps. Gonzalez and Mosqueda to District Five. Susan prepared some talking points that the group discussed and then made suggestions, thanking Susan. Sean agreed to serve as a docent. The LSCC members present agreed to Sean's service and thanked him.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. Notes submitted by Kathleen Braden, Secretary

Next meeting Sept. 19, 2018
