Council Meeting Minutes April 2020


Meeting Date/Time: April 15, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These minutes were approved at the May 2020 Meeting

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Amanda Crosley, Janice Lichtenwaldt, Liz Kearns, Lindsey Webb, Ellen Beck, Melanie Davies, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Janice Holkup, Tracy Cramer, Thomas Whittemore, Noah An, Dan Strauss, Mehul Shah

Janice started the meeting at 6:30.

Minutes of March 25, 2020 were approved as distributed. The treasurer’s report 3/26 through 4/14/2020 was approved. Ellen said the next report would reflect full amount received re brevity donations.

City Council Representative from District 6, Dan Strauss, and his staff person, Noah An, attended. The Council members thanked them for their time. Dan gave an overview of activities at his office during this time of COVID-19 contraction. He is holding meetings with constituents over the phone and continuing work on housing and transit issues. He noted that Licton Springs borders both Districts 5 and 6 so he is available for inquiries from Licton Springs residents. Amanda asked him about the City Council work during the COVID-19 period and Dan explained that work continues, though at a low level and there are lots of suggestions coming from the state government. He noted the constraints on rents now and the strain on small businesses. Melanie asked about his perspective on the community center plans for Licton Springs-Aurora and he noted he and Juarez are working cooperatively and he is following her lead on the issue. He noted that childcare is one of his priorities. Kathleen asked about cooperative work among Strauss, Juarez, and Pedersen for North Seattle. Strauss reminded us that as a City Council rep. he is called upon to work on behalf of the whole city, not just District 6. He believes work on a new police station for the North Precinct should be coordinated- he recently did a “ride along” with North precinct staff. He concluded his visit by thanking Thomas Whittemore for delaying his retirement due to the current crisis.

Jordan Haselnus of Seattle Neighborhood Group was not able to attend but sent in a proposal for a cooperative effort to do a street cleanup in the Licton Springs- Aurora area or at Mineral Springs park. Tracy Cramer noted that last year, the group did an amazing job. She will contact Jordan about her idea. The group agreed that litter cleanup is important, but prefer to wait until the governor’s stay at home order is lifted in May so as not to send the wrong signal, especially since the City has suspended its own clean up campaigns.

Janice and Tracy will write up a short piece about litter cleanup work for the Love Licton blog.

Janice and Kathleen noted that the Bloodmobile has been suspended for now and Bloodworks is booked into May for individual appointments. Kathleen sent out a plea for support of local foodbanks to our listserv, but has not yet gotten any responses. Lindsey noted the Washington Food Fund under the governor’s council and Philanthropy Northwest ( M/S/A for LSCC to donate $200 each to the Washington Food Fund and to Epic Life Church for their neighborhood food bank. Kathleen will send Ellen the addresses so she can send paper checks to each.

Kathleen reported on an effort to get North Precinct Block Watch captains organized for neighborhood self-help. Thomas Whittemore reported on the Seattle Together program by the City- it is a work in progress and will need guidance and approval.

The group discussed the ReVisioning Northgate email from Susan Ward on the rerouting of bus routes around the Northgate area. Kathleen will forward her email to the Council.

The Council agreed to discuss in the future the prospect of having a credit card or a debit card for the Council’s bank account. Ellen will report at the May meeting on the rider for Public Schools on our insurance coverage, due to be renewed in June.

Janice provided images of some tee-shirts and other swag souvenirs with the Licton Springs cattail logo that could be manufactured and sold on demand both to raise money and create neighborhood solidarity. The Council will proceed with this although it was noted we need to take care of the tax and potentially, business license, implications. Melanie is going to check with a friend who does design about the logo. Janice, melanie, and Lindsey will form a team to see if it is possible to launch this effort by May 2, which is Neighbor Day

Notes by Kathleen Braden, secretary.

Next meeting May 20 either by Zoom or in Licton Springs Park.


Council Meeting Minutes March 2020


Meeting date: March 25, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These minutes were approved at the April 2020 Meeting

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Amanda Crosley, Janice Lichtenwaldt, Liz Kearns, Lindsey Webb, Tim Crosley, and Kathleen Braden

Neighbor attendee: Janice Holkup

Janice started the meeting at 6:30.

Minutes of February 26, 2020 were approved as distributed. The treasurer’s report 02/25/2020 through 03/25/2020was approved.

Communication recommendation approved: during this time of COVID-19 Stay Home order from Governor Inslee, not make any major changes in manner of sending messages to our list serve, but continue to use free Outlook service. Help was also offered to the Love Licton blog for material and Amanda and Tim are trying to keep it at very local level. A lot of information is being pushed out right now by City, King County authorities.

Lindsey and her husband, Mehul, are walking each street of Licton Springs neighborhood and will do a write-up and send Amanda. Mehul is interested in LSCC eventually doing a community survey on loneliness and isolation.

It was noted that neighborhood restaurants are open for takeout and it is a good way to support business owners locally. Lindsey will follow up with Hector Martinez at Epic Life church who is with the local Buy Nothing group as well and see if something can be written up for the blog.

Liz noted that the parks are closed so no work parties are now occurring.

Reminder that people should be filling out Census 2020 information. Field operations have been moved till later due to virus outbreak.

Janice Holkup reminded people of Kathleen’s proposal that was on the table from the Feb 26 meeting. She has attached it below for consideration at April meeting.

Janice L. gave an update on Arts in the Park and that she has been in contact with Sarah Sense Wilson of Clear Sky. The event will be pushed out to late August or Sept. in part to wait for City to do final approval of historic status for the park.

Nominations for the Board and vote on approval will be moved to next September due to unusual circumstances of COVID 19 outbreak and to allow more time for recruiting new members.

Notes by Kathleen Braden, secretary. Next meeting April 15, 2020 by zoom.


From: Kathleen Braden, LSCC secretary

February 26, 2020

Purpose: (1) advise on issues that are pertinent to the neighborhood, especially those identified by ongoing surveys of the neighborhood; (2) provide advice when requested by the Board; (3) make suggestions on Board members to recruit in future

Ongoing contact to be made over cyberspace so that people are not required to attend meetings but attendance at LSCC meetings is welcomed and encouraged


  • City Council Representative of District Five or designated staff contact

  • Owner of business located within Licton Springs boundaries or adjacent community council boundaries

  • person from neighborhood school either staff or parent

  • representative from North Seattle College

  • community officer from North precinct or NPAC rep.

  • representative of ALUV

  • resident in Licton Springs boundary who is a renter

  • representative from a social services group in neighborhood such as LIHI or Aurora Commons

  • two residents of Licton Springs neighborhood (this might be good place for “emeritus” member who used to serve on the Council?)

If approved, what’s next?

The motion is to modify the by-laws. According to the by-laws, this would have to be voted on at the general membership meeting, which occurs in April. Results determined by majority vote of members attending (not just directors)

Add Article VIIA Licton Springs Community Council Advisory Board

  1. The purpose of the LSCCAB shall be to advise on issues pertinent to the Licton Springs neighborhood and assist the LSCC in recruiting Board members
  2. The LSCCAB is not require to have regular meetings, but the chair of LSCCAB may call special meetings under certain circumstances.
  3. Communication is expected to occur largely electronically among members and to the LSCC Board.
  4. Term of service will be for two years and renewable
  5. Members shall consist of:

-City Council Representative of District Five or designated staff contact

  • Owner of business located within Licton Springs boundaries or adjacent community council boundaries

  • person from neighborhood school either staff or parent

  • representative from North Seattle College

  • community officer from North precinct or NPAC rep.

  • representative of ALUV

  • resident in Licton Springs boundary who is a renter

  • representative from a social services group in neighborhood such as LIHI or Aurora Commons

  • two residents of Licton Springs neighborhood

  • Members shall be nominated by LSCC Board of Directors and approved by majority vote of directors at any regular meeting of the Board

  • Removal of members shall be decided by majority vote of the LSCC directors

Article VIII 4c

Add to duties of the Secretary: The secretary shall be responsible for regular contact management with members of Advisory Board and reports from LSCCAB to LSCC Board of Directors

If we vote on the motion in March to be considered in April, then we should share some responsibility for recruiting initial members.


Council Meeting Minutes January 2020



Unapproved Minutes January 22, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Cascadia School Library

Directors present: Amanda Crosley, Janice Lichtenwaldt, Ellen Beck, Liz Kearns, Lindsey Webb, and Kathleen Braden

Janice started the meeting at 6:30.

People introduced themselves.

Minutes of Nov. 20, 2019 were approved as distributed. The treasurer’s report 11-19-2019 through 1-15-2020 was approved. Ellen noted that there was an additional deposit made and she would include it on the subsequent treasurer’s report. Amanda discussed her work with Randy Wiger on the proposal for the off-leash dog area at Mineral Springs Park. M/S/A that Licton Springs will contribute the value of Amanda’s work hours on this project for the future development of the proposal. She estimates it as $100 thus far. The group also discussed using the funds earmarked for Licton Springs Park, possibly for a summer event, with Liz’s approval because of her work as the forest steward for the park.

The group discussed the designation of Licton Springs Park for historic status, given its significance to the Native American communities of the region. The process is underway and has almost reached the last stage for approval.

Debora Juarez (referred to in these notes below as DJ) and her staff member, Shayna Daitch (SD), joined us (delayed due to police activity in downtown Seattle due to a shooting incident earlier). DJ discussed her understanding of the history of some issues associated with the Duwamish tribe and their designation. She said the Parks Dept .(Superintendent Jesús Aguirre) had informed her of the designation decision.

The results of a survey of Licton Springs area residents was discussed. DJ had it with her as LSCC had sent the results ahead and distributed a summary on our listserv (attached below)

DJ was asked to update the group on plans for a feasibility study of an Aurora-Licton Springs Community Center. She discussed the role of Jesús Aguirre and the Parks Dept. which will work with a community group to start the process. $150,000 has been designated. SD will be the point person staff contact. DJ noted that the 6 year cycle for funding for Parks and Recreation is approaching and the feasibility study should be completed in a year. She discussed her effort to secure the funding and the fact that the neighborhood is located in a “community center desert” in the City. The PDOC (Park District Oversight Committee) is key to the process and once the 2020 census data comes in, that should help make the case. DJ noted that this neighborhood has seen much growth of families in particular.

DJ then discussed all the activity occurring in District Five and how the Aurora, Northgate, and other neighborhoods are morphing into true family-oriented areas. She talked about the need for sidewalks, a perennial problem in North Seattle. (note: residents from the Licton Springs neighborhood attended and asked her questions during the meeting so some of these notes are her responses to the questions). Subsequent to the 2019 general election, she has met with Council members Dan Strauss (District 6) and Alex Pedersen (District 4) to coordinate on issues impacting North Seattle and she is encouraged about how the representatives will work together.

She focused on infrastructure and development around Northgate and emphasized that much of the construction will be down with local union labor. Newer low income housing will be constructed in the Northgate area and any current resident displaced will be able to move back in.

Asked about plans for the North Precinct Police Station, DJ reviewed what was the impediment to earlier plans to build a new station. Plans are till underway and there will be community hearings at North Seattle College. Lisa Herboldt is now chair of the committee that will deal with the issue and DJ is hopeful action will happen. DJ noted that the City is still handicapped by the insufficient number of police officers and we need to be attracting many more.

Lindsey Webb asked about plans for a grocery store at Northgate and DJ said she is pleased with cooperation from Simon (major property owner) but City officials can only do so much where private property is involved. She has discussed, however, the demographics and character of the neighborhood and her preference for a union-shop grocery store to move into the new development.

Neighbors from Interlake Avenue asked about attention to development west of I-5, such as the need for a supermarket, and raised concern about the focus not being solely around the Northgate area. The group then discussed with DJ the need for attracting businesses along the Aurora corridor, including small enterprises, and reviewed pushback from Aurora Merchants to past efforts such as the moratorium and other work spearheaded by ALUV. Again, DJ reiterated that where private property and a state highway (99) is involved, the City has a more limited role. She discussed her efforts to work with Seattle Public Schools as the owner of the Oak Tree Village property, but that headway has not yet been made for any firm plans.

Janice Lichtenwaldt noted the work of ALUV and the new group, “For North” and that she has been attending some ALUV meetings and in contact with Casey Pier and there is hope to have a new phase of cooperation with business owners in the Aurora area. Amanda Crosley asked what LSCC can do to be helpful about encouraging business development, for example, with the west side of the upcoming pedestrian-bicycle bridge across I-5. DJ noted the complications because of N Seattle College and University of Washington ownership of much of the land where the bridge ends up on the west side.

A groundbreaking ceremony for the bridge construction is coming up soon. SD noted that there is a need for letters of support for DJ who is calling for speeding up the Sound Transit plans for the 130th St light rail station to make it designed for a 2024 opening (to match Lynnwood link) rather than wait until 2031, which doesn’t make sense. SD will email Kathleen Braden with appropriate contact addresses to pass along.

The group was very happy to receive the news from DJ that the Home Zones projects are approved for money in the City budget. In addition, SDOT has allocated $40,000 out of the regular SDOT budget for a Licton Springs Home Zone, a project supported earlier by LSCC, spearheaded by Amanda and Tim Crosley.

The group thanked Council Rep. Juarez and Shayna Daitch for attending and then proceeded with other business after they had to leave:

Resident Brigette Arden suggested that the survey done by LSCC be repeated on a regular basis to have a longitudinal record of responses and members of the LSCC Board agreed. The group discussed clean-up issues and problems with the 95th and Interlake area, especially associated with litter. Tracy Cramer, with Seattle Public Utilities and the person who deals with clean-up, attended and discussed how to report problem areas and the best way to send information to the City so that there can be a good response. She noted in particular the limitations the City or Public Utilities are under legally with respect to RVs and a 25 ft perimeter where crews are constrained about removals of trash. She took the information and said they will try to send out a crew to do cleanup on Stone Ave. N.

Amanda gave a report on the December 21 Mineral Springs holiday celebration and thanked everyone who participated. About fifty people attended despite the rain. LSCC plans to do this event again in 2020.

Kathleen noted that we now have an electronic archive of the minutes dating back to the 1990s although there are some missing years from the mid-1990s. It will be posted on the LSCC web site and can be searched using keywords.

Janice Lichtenwaldt noted the upcoming grants workshop Jan. 25 at Bitter Lake if anyone wanted to attend.

Kathleen Braden noted the KIRO radio selection of Liz Kearns for their “Hometown hero” award in December. Liz said she would be doing a work party for the park with second-graders from Cascadia School. Amanda reported on the Jan 20 tree plating at 85th and Meridian.

Several Board members attended the January 5 Open House at North Seattle College on the I-5 Pedestrian-Bicycle Bridge.

Ellen proposed that LSCC order more copies of the Licton Springs brochure and the item will be on the agenda for the Feb. 26 meeting.

Notes submitted by Kathleen Braden, Secretary

ATTACHMENT: 2019 Survey of Licton Springs Residents

  • Survey ran from November 13th, 2019 to January 6th, 2020 and received 69 responses
  • Top themes included concerns over RVs in our neighborhood, state of the sidewalks (especially north of 100th), interest in additional retail / commerce. Many neighbors expressed thanks for the efforts of the community council.
  • Top issues for the neighborhood include safety & crime, cleanliness/litter control, need for a community center, and business development.
  • The majority of respondents are long term residents, living in Licton Springs for more than 5 years.
  • Only 29% of respondents had ever attended a LSCC meeting.
  • Facebook, Nextdoor, LSCC emails and LoveLicton are the main sources of information for the neighborhood.
  • 30 respondents expressed interest in occasional service, 11 expressed interest in an advisory neighborhood group and 11 expressed interest in committees.

Top issues for the neighborhood include safety & crime, cleanliness/litter control, need for a community center, and business development.


Council Meeting Minutes January 2021


Meeting Date/Time: Jan. 27, 2021 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the February 2021 meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Lindsey Webb, Ellen Beck, Melanie Davies, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Dianne Trani, Mike Cuadra, Bekah and Matt Gautrowski, Osboldo Hernandez, Janice Holkup

Janice started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.

Minutes of Nov. 18, 2020 were approved as circulated. Treasurer’s Report was approved and Ellen reported she filed our 990 form this month.

  1. Board members: M/S/A to elect Bekah Gautrowski to fill the vacancy of Jan Brucker’s seat and Mike Cuadra to fill the vacancy of Tim Crosley’s seat. According to the by-laws, this action places them on the Board immediately and then they agreed to be nominated for two-year seats with the March, 2021 meeting.

    Kathleen updated regarding Board members and elections. The usual schedule has been interrupted due to the vagaries of the current COVID pandemic. Here is the situation:

    Terms up in April: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Kathleen Braden, Ellen Beck, Lindsey Webb. All have agreed to stay on the Board and be nominated at the March meeting for a two-year term. Liz Kearns and Melanie Davies have been continuing even though their terms were up earlier and will be also nominated for a new term at the March meeting but their terms should go until 2022, not 2023, because we are late in confirming them and it is better not to have the whole Board’s terms end simultaneously.

    Ellen agreed to be nominated to continue as Treasurer; Kathleen is stepping down as Secretary and Lindsey agreed to be nominated for that position. Janice is completing her time as President (and everyone agreed she has done a wonderful job for us) and Melanie is interested in the nomination for that spot. We will need a nomination for Vice-President and Mike Cuadra might be willing to serve.

  2. Other Duties: Kathleen has stepped down as administrator for the Licton Springs Facebook Page. Janice is still an administrator and will add Lindsey as one. Janice will also look into management of our website where minutes are posted and coordinate with Bekah & Matt who may be willing to help.

  3. Ad-hoc committee on by-laws revision: M/S/A to create an ad-hoc committee that Bekah will head up to consider revision to our by-laws and Lindsey will also help spearhead. She plans to start with input from the Council and then invite participation by people in the Licton Springs Community.

  4. Homelessness: Melanie led a discussion to update on issues of unhoused populations in the neighborhood. The group discussed City policy, presence of campers in the park and at Green Lake.

  5. Parks: Liz Kearns sent in a note that work groups are being held in Mineral Springs and Licton Springs Parks, following proper protocols for pandemic safety.

  6. Business members: The Board agreed to ask Liz to congratulate Pilgrim Coffee which has moved into the Starbucks space at Oak Tree and invite as a business member of LSCC and to have Kathleen due likewise with Salt Blade Meats

Minutes by Kathleen Braden, Secretary

Next meeting Feb 17 (Melanie will chair)


Council Meeting Minutes November 2019


These minutes were approved at the December 2019 Meeting.

Meeting Date/Time: November 20, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Cascadia School Hallway

Directors present Melanie Davies, Thomas Stachiw, Amanda Crosley, Tim Crosley, Janice Lichtenwaldt, Ellen Beck, Liz Kearns, and Kathleen Braden

Janice started the meeting at 6:30. She asked people present to introduce themselves. Dianne Trani from jet City Property visited and Lindsey Webb who will soon be joining the board.

Treasurer’s Report of Oct 16-Nov 20 2019 and minutes from October 16 2019 were approved with correction of typo.

Events and applications: Amanda had completed the Arts in the Park application for a Dec. 21 event at Mineral Springs Park and LSCC was awarded the grant. There will be a clothing drive, music, food, card making, and sugar plum elves. Entertainment and a port-a-potty will be provided and Amanda is currently in process of recruiting volunteers. Kathleen will help Liz who is looking into finding another musician group.

Liz noted the Dec 7 lighting for Licton Springs park and the lights will be up until Jan 11. Epic Life Church will have a small ceremony to turn on the lights and Liz noted that special care will be taken for the safety of the light hangers. Liz will send Kathleen an announcement to post and to ask for LED light donations.

The group noted the summer movie program for Mineral Springs Park and the application that was submitted for a Native American celebration in Licton Springs Park in July (thank you Janice!). We discussed whether we would need a business license from the City of Seattle and if it turns out we need it due to revenue amount, Janice will look into it.

Melanie reported on Halloween event and had emailed Kathleen the cost and donations summary:


Musicians $100.00

Candy $171.25

Cider $49.40

Total $320.65

Donations $203.77

Liz reminded us of the second-Saturday work parties in Licton Springs Park and the group noted the press coverage of the Landmarks Preservation Board action regarding Native American significance of the park (reported in Seattle Times and Crosscut). Liz said there will be 3-4 work parties coming up for Mineral Springs Park and while there have been some rough campers there, tent campers have not been observed. The disk golf people also plan some work parties.

Online vote results- the board voted by email to add the City of Seattle to our insurance coverage and to allocate $500 toward the matching grant portion of the application for the Native American summer celebration grant.

Other business- Amanda noted that the Parks Dept felt LSCC did not need a business license and will send Kathleen verification of that for the record. She reported on our Paypal account to take donations and recommended transferring money to our bank account on a regular basis.

Kathleen will send out a reminder to people to fill out our survey. Debora Juarez plans to attend our Jan. 15 meeting and we agreed we can send her the survey results ahead so she knows that issues are on the minds of Licton Springs residents.

Liz asked LSCC members as individuals to send letters of support for an effort by Thornton Creek Alliance to keep funding for Green Seattle Partnership in City budget.

Janice reported that Leah Anderson from ALUV was reaching out to local community council leaders for a get-together. Melanie, Liz, and Kathleen reported on a recent ReVisioning Northgate meeting.

Kathleen reminded people to send bios and pictures for our web page if they have not yet done so. Janice expressed early-Thanksgiving appreciation to members of the Board who in turn thanked her for serving as president.

This was Thomas’s last meeting as a member of the Board and he noted he had enjoyed serving and would help as he was able in the future. Thank you for your service, Thomas!

Janice closed the meeting at 8:30 PM.

Notes submitted by Kathleen Braden, Secretary
