Council Meeting Minutes Oct 2020


Meeting Date/Time: Oct 21, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the November 2020 meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Ellen Beck, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Dianne Trani, Tracy Cramer, Osbaldo Hernandez

Melanie started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.

Minutes of Sept 21, 2020 were approved as circulated. Treasurer’s Reports was approved.

1, Group discussed letter from ALUV sent to Geoffrey Wendtland January of this year to Office of Planning and Community Development. Ryan DiRaimo had emailed it to LSCC October 7 to keep us informed. It appears many planning projects are on hold due to disruptions caused by current COVID 19 pandemic.

  1. LSCC and UNEA/Clear Sky relations and purchase of tee-shirts to thank the UNEA youth. melanie has already received orders and M/S/A to spend up to $500 for the shirts. Liz attended the Sept 30 UNEA virtual meeting and noted once the pandemic is over, there might be volunteer opportunities with UNEA, for example, tutoring.

  2. Melanie invited visitors to address us. Tracy Cramer Clean City Division City of Seattle discussed community cleanup efforts, such as one for November, ate TBD. She also introduced us to Jenny Frankl, Sr Planning & Development Specialist Public Place Littering & Recycling Program, Clean City Division. Tracy and the group discussed clean up in the parks and neighborhood, particularly given recent City decisions on homeless encampmens. Liz noted the Parks Dept would be doing a cleanup in Licton Springs Park Oct 22.

Dianne Trani attended and noted her boss, Brian Robinson, a local property owner with various rental properties and a commitment to affordable housing and helping on neighborhood issues, would love to hear from LSCC on ways he could be of assistance. Lindsey requested some help contacting renters who might be interested in joining us to add a diverse voice to the Council and help with outreach.

Osbaldo Hernandez from DON has replaced the retired Thomas Whittemore and introduced himself. He noted that community conversations has been initiated, with the next scheduled for Nov 18, probably on the topic of public safety.

  1. Several LSCC members attended the recent virtual town hall held by Debra Juarez and reported on the budget presentation, looking on our screens at the Powerpoint slides (Ben Noble, Dean Allsopp) indicating some real shortfalls in revenue to the City that are necessitating putting many activities on hold, such as moving ahead for now with the feasibility study for an Aurora-Licton Community Center. Melanie also reported on the group discussing public safety (Indian Health Board and Community Police Commission, Esther Lucero and Ryan Gilbert) and Jason Johnson for City Human Services.

  2. The group considered a request from Board member Amanda Crosley for support for North Seattle College Co-Op Preschool (see Oct 19 email from Amanda). The Board authorized a $150 donation and Janice will get in touch with Amanda and request preference for the donation to go to local area.

  3. Janice is still following up with Restricted Parking issue.

  4. We affirmed that we cannot hold our holiday event this year due to the pandemic and city restrictions on parks since we usually hold it in Mineral Springs Park.

  5. While we plan to have an event to celebrate Jan Brucker’s years of service once we are able to hold events in person, for now, Kathleen and Ellen will deliver the recognition award to Jan.

  6. Melanie reported on a Greenways meeting re Healthy Streets and Healthy Blocks initiatives and indicated there is still lack of clarity on all processes to designate streets or blocks as such. Healthy Streets are ones that had already been designated as Greenways but the blocks process not clear.

Notes by Kathleen Braden, secretary, LSCC Next meeting Nov 18


Council Meeting Minutes Sept 2020


LICTON SPRINGS COMMUNITY COUNCIL Meeting Date/Time: Sept. 17, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the October 2020 meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Ellen Beck, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Janice Holkup, Fadi Saloum, Mike Cuadra, Bekah Manikowski

Janice started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.

Minutes of July 15, 2020 were approved as circulated. Treasurer’s Reports for July and through Sept. 12, 2020 were approved. Ellen also noted she filed our required yearly report with Wa State Sec. of State’s office.

Discussion of purchasing tee-shirts for One Sky youth as a donation: The cost for eleven tee shirts would be approx.. $262. This organization has had to move from Eagle Staff School to north Seattle College and several Board members are in touch with leaders of the organization, including Sarah Sense-Wilson. Council decided to reach out to Sarah and ascertain what program needs are and if the tee shirts would be a welcome donation. The group weighted the symbolic importance of the shirts due to their design using the indigenous language vs uncertainty about the needs of One Sky. It was also M/S/A to invite Sarah to a future Council meeting.

Liz Kearns provided a great set of updates to various neighborhood issues (attached below) and thank you also to Lee Bruch and Susan Ward for the information.

Liz also noted that the expansion of the North Precinct Police Station out- buildings and parking area is now completed. The group then discussed the situation for people living without shelters in Licton Springs park. Liz felt that there was a response to the letter the Council sent to get a cleanup initiated by parks Dept employees. She noted there is still water there in the drinking fountain but the bathrooms are locked and portable toilets provided. Several of the people there have received referrals to other housing options.

Neighbor Bekah Manikowski, attending the meeting, has a social work background and shared her thoughts on the situation in the park. She is concerned about the health of the people there given the unhealthy air quality indices at the present time due to forest fires in Northwest . Janice had initiated a conversation with Karina Wallace of the NGO “Facing Homelessness” and Kathleen followed up with a phone conversation with Karina. She sent these links to the Council: - To sign up/review orientation and Facing Homelessness opportunities : - The BLOCK Project : - Facing Homelessness website : - Facing Homelessness Facebook page : Karina also offered to visit a future meeting or even to go to the park and talk with the people camping there. She noted the organization does a sock drive, takes donations, and often sponsors cleanups. It also is sponsoring the construction of DADUs (detached accessory dwelling units) and has an orientation once a month. The organization especially likes to show images of unsheltered people and tell their stories on their website.

The group discussed the changes to the Community Police teams and the moving of Officer David Gordon out of the role he has held for many years. Kathleen will draft a thank you email to officer Gordon that also notes that LSCC is following this issue with cc to North precinct captain, new police chief, and Council Rep. Juarez. She will circulate a draft for approval. The vote was 5 yes and one abstain to do this.

Melanie noted with regret that our usual Halloween event in Licton Springs Park will not be possible this year due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and everyone agreed this was a sad, but wise, decision.

Lindsey gave a recap of the Music-in-the-Neighborhood event this summer that was a success. But we also have some ideas on how to modify and improve it for next year.

Mike Cuadra expressed thanks for the Council’s letter regarding zoning and the Halcyon Mobile Home park in North Seattle. Bekah Manikowski discussed the importance of a get-out-the-vote effort at the local level and she will write up a short paragraph about it and send to Janice so we can post it to our list-serv and other sites.

Janice concluded the meeting and thanked everyone. Next meeting will be by zoom Oct. 21.

Minutes submitted by Kathleen Braden, Secretary

ADDENDUM (Thank you, Liz Kearns, for collecting this information) STAY HEALTHY STREETS---Transportation/Seattle gov. Here's the official city webpage on them: programs/programs/stay-healthy-streets From Lee Bruch: It is an initiative in response to Covid that has been launched in many cities nationwide to give more space for people out moving and exercising while maintaining 6 feet of social distance (where we have sidewalks, most sidewalks are only 5 to 6 feet wide, not allowing people to pass while maintaining social distance.

Locally, it was launched by Mayor Durkan and SDOT fairly quickly.  They specifically chose to launch it on Greenways since those were already in place as slow traffic streets prioritizing pedestrians and bikes over cars.  Here's an article when they were launched: .  Here's another article talking more in-depth about pros and cons: streets-explained-discussed-seattle-pedestrian-advisory-board/ Since that first announcement the network has gradually been expanded in response to public usage and popularity.  The StayHealthy Streets program was for an indefinite length of time, roughly estimated originally to last through Sept, or more recently, into October, depending on usage. I'm not aware of any final date having been determined, but I believe the current intent may be to keep them until towards the end of October.

The Mayor and SDOT announced mid-summer that roughly 20 miles of them will be permanent. Which 20 miles is still being decided I believe, depending on results of various public surveys and traffic counts SDOT has undertaken, results of some collision studies, city money issues, etc. See permanent/ They are not closed to all traffic. They are meant to allow local traffic to serve the particular block, but where pedestrians and bikes have the right-of-way (sort of like cul-de-sacs in suburban neighborhoods). Northgate Pedestrian & Bicycle Bridge---Transportation/ Here is the link to Bridge information, and you can sign up on their mailing list for monthly or every other month updates. structures/bridges/northgate-pedestrian-and-bicycle-bridge NG Ped/Bike Bridge cont. What we’ve heard through design. Based on community input throughout the project, we know there’s interest in: Minimizing environmental impacts of the bridge by making sure, for example, that the project doesn’t disturb wildlife during construction and ensuring the bridge’s drainage system (for stormwater) is designed to enhance wetlands on the west end Ensuring safety and security of all bridge travelers Wayfinding and traffic control The experience of people biking and using other wheeled devices (e.g., scooters, wheelchairs, strollers, rollerblades, suitcases, etc.) Connecting the bridge to other infrastructure, including neighborhood bike routes Separating or managing modes of traffic on the bridge Other topics of interest included the project’s cost, the bridge’s durability, and maintaining vegetation. Thank you Susan Ward for sending this link.

FIRE STATION #31 There is a land use sign at 1319 N Northgate Way saying it will be demolished. An article in The Seattle Times 5.6.20 calls this building ‘The Cancer House’ and states the project budget cost is $43M for design and construction of new Fire House. The land use sign at Epic Life Church states their east parking lot will become a temporary Fire Station

31 with tents and 13 parking spaces.

The Seattle Times article (mentioned above) also states the City of Seattle will pay Epic Life Church $10,000.00 a month for 5 years to lease this land. Again, The Seattle Times article states the new site for FS#31 is 11302 Meridian Ave N I drove by this address and there is no indication that anything is planned for this site.


Council Meeting Minutes July 2020


Meeting Date/Time: July 15, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the September 2020 meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, Ellen Beck, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Janice Holkup

Janice started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.

M/S/A to have Kathleen draft a letter to Councilwoman Juarez expressing our concern about unavailability of public restrooms at Licton Springs Park due to campers’ items and presence blocking access. Kathleen will send a draft to LSCC members.

M/S/A June 19, 2020 minutes as circulated. There is no Treasurer’s Report for this period although Ellen did note a donation received. She will update us later.

The group discussed producing tee-shirts via a print-on-demand company, Zazzle, recommended by Janice ( The group discussed design ideas and M/S/A to allocate funds to pay a designer recommended by Melanie. Janice okayed the idea with Tom Speer of UNEA in conversation.

The group continued planning on August 19 event to make use of City’s invitation to use some of Arts in the Park event money since the full event could not occur due to the current virus. Thank you to Janice and Lindsey for doing much of the planning re outreach to secure musicians and indigenous artists. John at the UPS Store at Oak Tree offered to give us a good rate on yard signs and flyers to publicize the event.

LSCC received a request from John Lombard of D5 for support for a letter re zoning of the Halcyon Mobile Home Park to keep it available as a mobile home property. The letter is still being constructed and M/S/A to authorize Janice and melanie to decide if LSCC can lend support for the letter once it is completed, since we do not meet in August. Melanie in particular would like to get more information from John and some of the model actions, such as Bothell’s, he referred to in portions of it drafted so far.

Next meeting is in September. (16th) but it was decided to delay further Board member selection processes until 2021 because of anticipated ongoing restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minutes submitted by Kathleen Braden, Secretary


Council Meeting Minutes June 2020


Meeting Date/Time: June 19, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the July 2020 meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Liz Kearns, Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, Ellen Beck, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Susan Ward, Janice Holkup, Mike Cuadra, Mehul Shah, Dianne Trani, Sharon Bruce

Janice started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.

At our invitation, Susan ward of ReVisioning Northgate, attended and updated LSCC on activities around the Northgate area and actions taken by RN. She noted it was formed at grassroots level to advocate for green spaces and livable spaces and includes representatives from various on-profits as well as residents and businesses. The group discussed transportation issues, the underpass beneath I-5 at Northgate, METRO and its projects, including bus staging areas, parking impacts with impending light rail station, affordable housing, the tree code. The current pandemic has limited in-person meetings for the organization but it has been active in submitting commentary and letters.

Minutes of May 20, 2020 were approved as distributed. The treasurer’s report through was approved.

The group then turned to having an activity that is community-oriented. Janice noted we were informed that while our arts in the Park project was on hold due to pandemic, the City did allocate $1600 to LSCC for any culture-related activity in the neighborhood, particularly promoting diversity and justice and combatting bias. Janice shared the email and offered by email and at the meeting a set of ideas on how to use the funds. (attachment) Janice will check with our partners at Clear Sky, Dianne train offered to look into musicians, and Melanie suggested we do tee-shirts. Lindsey and Janice will do some organizing on a possible event in August. The date of August 19 seemed most likely.

It was agreed we would touch base on whether to have a Board retreat in the fall, similar to the one we had Sept. of 2019.

The group then discussed the issue of recruiting a more diverse Board membership. Kathleen noted data from 2010 census that indicated Licton Springs is one of the more ethnically and racially diverse neighborhoods north of the ship canal. (attachment) The group discussed the current climate for change, given local and national issues. Mehul weighed in about the need to do outreach to people who are not homeowners, perhaps leaving flyers near apartment buildings. Janice will provide the information about the local renters she met who were doing volunteer clean-up. Lindsey and Mehul offered to do a draft of a recruiting tool poster. Janice offered to write up a statement that could be posted on our web site and Facebook page. Kathleen, who is also a block watch captain, will contact North precinct officer David Gordo to see if there are any special instructions for people neighboring the precinct building and send it along to the Board if she receives any information.

Notes by Kathleen Braden, secretary.

Next meeting July 15 by Zoom


Email from Janice June 12, 2020 to the Board:

We are receiving $1,600 to do something for the neighborhood to uplift residents by providing creative, artistic, and/or cultural content. The requirements seem very loose. Given these funds were was originally ear-marked to celebrate the sacred indigenous status of Licton Springs I’d love to put some of the funds toward that AND we can do anything. Below is the start of a brainstorming list. Any other ideas?

  • Hire local artists to paint mail boxes in the neighborhood. \

  • Develop, record, and host a podcast series, in partnership Clear Sky, to celebrate the LS designation \

  • Buy colored chalk for the neighborhood to create their own sidewalk murals. Take pictures and post on our Facebook and Instagram pages and the blog \

  • Hiring local artists to make chalk murals around the neighborhood \

  • Hiring musicians to perform and stroll through the neighborhood on different nights throughout the summer - bagpipes, saxophone, trumpet, accordion, banjo, guitar \


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Crooks, Jenny" <[email protected]>

Subject: Updated Arts in Parks Process and Funding.

Date: June 11, 2020 at 11:46:44 PM PDT

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Cc: PKS_artsinparks <[email protected]>

Dear Arts in Parks Partner,

Thank you so much for your patience during these difficult and challenging times for our communities. The work that many of you continue to do to support your community through all of this has been truly inspiring. While we are no longer able to fund your originally proposed project in full, we are looking forward to working with you to support the work you are doing that benefits our community. Seattle needs arts and culture now more than ever. We need you and the role you play in our sector’s ecosystem and in the civic life of our City as a whole. Even if the way you carry out your work has shifted, the value you provide cannot be underestimated.


The attached invoice is for $1,600 to support a public benefit in lieu of your original project and funding amount.


Respond to this email to confirm that you have received it and with a brief description of the action or project that will take the place of your originally funded event and provides artistic or cultural public benefit (please see the backside of the attached invoice-report form for suggestions).

This should be an action or project that is in the spirit of and supports the goals of the Arts in Parks program, of supporting under resourced communities within Seattle and supports the efforts of Seattle Togetherwhich include:

  • Uplift residents by providing creative, artistic, and cultural content (digital and analog) to residents, especially vulnerable populations, by resourcing artists, organizers and other cultural partners. \

  • Elevate, support, and uplift mutual aid efforts for community resilience, efficacy and recovery driven by a dynamic understanding of racial equity, neighborhood-level and cultural community relationships, and digital technology access. \

  • Combatting bias/hate speech/harassment/violence amidst Covid-19, with an awareness of how this could have impacts on surveillance and policing practices disproportionately impacting BIPOC communities. \

Small-scale projects are fine and if it aligns with work that you were planning on doing to benefit your community, even better. It can be something done via an email, online, virtually, through social media, or any other method of distribution that aligns with public health guidance for physical distancing. We’re not looking for you to spend significant time making something happen. We are hoping the prompts will inspire your imagination, be forward thinking and accessible. At this time, these funds should not be planned to go towards a postponed in-person park event.

We ask that whatever action or project you do, to please include the tag #SeattleTogether and the City of Seattle logo found here: or provide written credit. (For example: “This project was supported by Arts in Parks, a partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture.”)

Complete an action that provides artistic or cultural public benefit. Please email a link and/or promotional item/information about your project at least a week prior to it taking place so that we can help share it out.

Submit your invoice and report. Once your project is complete and available to the public, complete the attached invoice form and email it to [email protected] along with your brief narrative report. Please include a link of where to access your project or attach with your invoice.

           We do need your signature on the form. If you don’t have a printer/scanner, you can save the invoice form as a pdf and use the attached instructions to sign it electronically.

You may invoice anytime in 2020 through November 30, 2020 but we highly recommend doing so before August 31, 2020.

Once received, the City will send you payment. On average it can take 4 weeks for you to receive payment.

Keep us posted if either your primary contact or authorized signer changes.


We are happy to answer any questions you have. If you need additional support, feel free to contact Jenny at [email protected]. If you would like to set-up a phone call to discuss possible projects, please include some windows of availability M-F 10am-4pm in your email. If for some reason you feel like you are not able to complete an action or project associated with this funding, please reach out to discuss.

With much appreciation,

Jenny Crooks (she/her)

Arts Program Manager | Seattle Office of Arts & Culture

Personal line: 206.684.7084 | Office Line: 206.684.7171

Office Address: 303 S. Jackson Street, Top Floor, Seattle, WA 98104

Mailing Address: Jenny Crooks - Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, PO Box 94748, Seattle, WA, 98124-4748 | Making Art Work

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Subscribe to ARTS Enews

ARTS at King Street Station

303 S. Jackson Street, Top Floor

Seattle, WA 98104

Free Admission; Open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; First Thursdays, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.

For more information about the Office of Arts & Culture’s opportunities, programs, grants, public art, youth arts, cultural space and Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute please visit us at


Council Meeting Minutes May 2020


Meeting Date/Time: May 20, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These Meeting minutes were approved at the June 2020 Meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Liz Kearns, Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Janice Holkup, Mike Cuadra, Lindsey’s cats

Janice started the meeting at 6:35. She welcomed everyone. Mike Cuadra introduced himself as a former Board member. There was a discussion of zoning and urban village boundaries. Melanie will reach out to ALUV to see if there is any news on zoning.

There was a discussion of progress at Northgate and the Board decided to invite Susan Ward to participate in our next meeting, June 17, by zoom, if she is available to update us.

Minutes of April 15, 2020 were approved as distributed. The treasurer’s report through May 20, 2020 was approved.

Stay Healthy Street Program- many signs are up to close streets off in our neighborhood for vehicle traffic, as is being done throughout the city, due to the pandemic and need to maintain social distancing while people are out exercising. Janice attempted to reach Debra Juarez about the question of neighborhood input if the closures re made permanent, but she did not hear back despite also copying in her staff. Liz talked about meeting a parking enforcement officer while she and Ellen were walking but that the officer had no information about the program. Melanie suggested talking to ALUV and Greenlake CC. We looked at the West Seattle blog website and noted that Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board and Greenways have been instrumental in the effort. The first public discussion did not occur until four weeks after the first closures were announced. Melanie and Janice will follow up. Lindsey suggested reaching out to Dan Strauss. Kathleen can contact Lee Bruch. Melanie will forward notes from Licton-Haller Greenways meeting (attached).

May 7 Durkan virtual town hall- Janice and Melanie attended. Janice presented our question about budget implications for Licton Springs neighborhood. The bottom line is that funds will be scarce to non-existent for projects due to huge decrease in sales tax revenue during the pandemic and business closures. Melanie provided the links sent out from the town hall and they are attached.

Liz asked what sort of services we could offer to the community and noted she received a nice thank you letter from Washington Food Fund for our contribution.

North Seattle College- Janice is our rep. and she noted that Chemane Crawford is the new interim president. We discussed the location of future residence halls on their campus but noted that due to the pandemic, it was less likely the halls would be constructed in the near future.

Arts-in-the-Park- although we received a greenlight for next phase of our project recognizing Licton Springs park as sacred space to Native Americans, the funding is cancelled for now from the City.

Kathleen noted that the recruitment of people to an Advisory Board for the LSCC is put on hold until the fall due to the slowdown of activities with the pandemic.

Melanie reported on Seattle Arts Commission decision on temporary placements of art pieces that will be at either 92nd or 100th streets.

Kathleen noted that Mary Amberg was leaving the police dept to take a job in the private sector and she had sent an email thanking Mary for her service to our neighborhood.

The Board agreed that the June and July meetings should be held via Zoom.

Notes by Kathleen Braden, secretary.

Next meeting June 17 by Zoom

