Council Meeting Minutes March 2022


Meeting Date/Time: March 16, 2022, 6:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the April 2022 meeting.

Attendance Notes

  • Directors Present: Melanie Davies, Bekah Gautrowski, Lindsey Webb, Liz Kearns, Mike Cuadra, Kathleen Braden
  • General Members Present: Dianne Trani, Janice Holkup, Donna Wahbeh

Welcome & Introductions

  • Melanie started the meeting and welcomed everyone at 6:33. Attendees introduced themselves.

Approval of Minutes & Treasurer’s Report

  • There was a motion to approve the minutes from the February 16 meeting. The motion passed. There was a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The motion passed.

Community Council Board Nominations

  • Melanie’s and Liz’s terms end next month. Mike moved to nominate them for another term. Bekah seconded the motion. The motion will be voted on at the April meeting.
  • Bekah gave a summary of the by-laws related to board nominations and officer elections. Open positions can be filled any time.

Licton Springs Park Work Parties

  • Liz talked about work parties in Licton Springs Park and shared a flyer. Work parties are the second Saturday of every month from 10am to 1pm, rain or shine. Neighbors can meet work party leaders at the comfort station at the park at 97th and Ashworth.
  • Lindsey shared a few notes from Jenny Frankl with the City of Seattle’s Adopt-A-Street program. The city is planning on hosting a ‘One Seattle Day of Service’ on Sat, May 21. This will be a citywide call to action around beautification and cleanup. She suggested synergy with the work parties in the park, but the dates don’t coincide.
  • Adopt-A-Street is hosting their annual spring clean, where they support volunteers in doing one-time cleanups. They will provide supplies related to trash cleanup. Matt Gautrowski is going to fill out the form to register for a Licton Springs cleanup event.

Music in the Park

  • Lindsey reported that LSCC was not chosen for Arts in the Park funding from the City of Seattle. 68 projects applied and there was not enough funding to go around. LSCC is still interested in moving forward in hosting an event in August. Rob from Boundless Northwest is interested in collaborating. A couple of attendees suggested other funding sources, including donations from local businesses and contributions from neighbors.
  • Janice Holkup asked about outreach to Clear Sky Native Youth Council for musical acts. Lindsey confirmed that including an indigenous musical act is a priority for the event.

Community Outreach for Neighborhood Events

  • LSCC Contacts: Melanie created a spreadsheet with names and contact information for frequent contacts of LSCC. Bekah requested a column for notes so that we can keep track of who was contacted, when, and by whom.
  • Board of Directors communication: Lindsey outlined a proposal for a process for communicating with and booking guest speakers for LSCC meetings. The primary contact for the potential guest speaker should do the initial outreach and copy Lindsey on the email. Once the guest speaker confirms, the primary contact will be responsible for sending them the Zoom information and agenda.
  • Lindsey also requested that when directors communicate via email, to make sure that each general topic has its own email thread. This will keep email communication clearer and less intimidating to wade through.
  • Upcoming guest speakers: At the time of the meeting, guest speakers for the next few meetings are as follows: April - Aurora Reimagined Coalition, May - [Potentially] someone from the North Precinct or SPD, June - City Attorney Ann Davison and Bellwether Housing.
  • The group discussed moving Bellwether to July instead of having two major guest speakers in May. Lindsey will reach out to Bellwether.
  • Mike is the primary contact for LSCC with Ann Davison’s office. He suggested asking the community what they would like to hear from her so we can get questions to her office in advance and keep things running smoothly at the event. Lindsey will do a Google form and share via email and social media as a way to collect questions. This will go out on May 4 with a May 25 deadline for submissions. Mike will send questions to Ann Davison’s office on June 1, two weeks before the meeting.
  • There was a discussion about how to host the meeting so that it doesn’t become an open/rowdy discussion. Bekah suggested hosting it in a webinar format. She volunteered to moderate the discussion.


  • Melanie adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm.
Minutes by Lindsey Webb, Secretary

Next meeting: April 20

Licton Springs Community Council Monthly Treasurer Report

03/01/2022 through 03/31/2022

Date Fund Type Line Item Transaction Amount Bank Balance
03/01/2022 Combined Funds Beginning Bank Balance - $6575.45
03/15/2022 LSCC General Debit - Network Solutions $203.91 $6371.54
03/24/2022 Dedicated Park Funds Debit - Maple Leaf Hardware for shovels $77.15 $6294.39
Fund Type Fund Amount
Funds for Licton Springs Community Council $3950.14
Dedicated Funds for Licton Springs Park $2344.25
TOTAL Combined Funds $6294.39
  • Ending balance include $10.00 held in PayPal account
  • We received an email from Fred Meyer on 4/28/2020 of a $0.44 donation, but this has not reached our Verity account and will not until it reaches $25.00
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