Licton Springs Community Council

Building Community Since 1990

Council Meeting Minutes May 2021


Meeting Date/Time: May 19 2021 6:30-8:00 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the June 2021 meeting.

Attendance Notes

  • Online meeting by Zoom due to Coronavirus restrictions
  • Directors present: Melanie Davies, Mike Cuadra, Kathleen Braden, Liz Kearns, Bekah Gautrowski, Bob Blade, Lindsey Webb
  • Attendees: Dianne Trani, Janice Holkup, Ellen Beck, Danielle Rosenow

Introductions, House-Keeping, and Reports from Visitors

  • Melanie started the meeting and welcomed everyone at 6:35.
  • The minutes were approved.
  • Melanie asked for topics of discussion from attendees.
  • Janice Holkup shared information from Rep. Javier Valdez’ email newsletter outlining funding for the 46th district in the final state budget. This included $500,000 for the Aurora Commons acquisition, $150,000 to fund art by BIPOC artists at the Kraken training center, $30,519,000 for the North Seattle College library building renovation, $1,880,000 for library improvement grants, and $2,000,000 for the UW Medical Center NW behavioral health renovation.
  • Bob Blade talked about Aurora Reimagined, a new coalition that seeks to provide input in the city’s planning efforts around Highway 99. Melanie added that the city is at the conceptual level in planning right now and that it’s time to throw out broad, big ideas.
  • The treasurer’s report was approved.

Updates to ongoing committee and council work

  • LSCC BANK ISSUE: Liz talked about the issue of removing Jan Brucker as a signer for LSCC’s bank account at Verity since she is no longer part of the council. As treasurer, Liz said her priority is to have new signers who are easy to get in touch with. She noted the bank would need a copy of the minutes indicating who LSCC directors voted in as new signers, and then she could help initiate paperwork. The directors voted unanimously to approve a motion to remove Jan Brucker as a signer on the LSCC Verity checking account. There was some discussion about the appropriate number of new signers. The directors voted to approve a motion to allow four signers, the voted to add Lindsey Webb and Melanie Davies as signers on LSCC’s Verity checking account.
  • AURORA REIMAGINED COALITION: Melanie talked further about the Aurora Reimagined Coalition (website: A large part of the city’s work on Aurora will be design guidelines related to pedestrian access, turn lanes, crossings, etc. The group meets once per month and will be holding revisioning workshops in July and August. Neighborhood residents can sign up on the website for updates. ALUV will likely be involved.
  • NORTHGATE LIGHT RAIL UPDATE: Melanie told the group that the pedestrian bridge between North Seattle College and the Northgate Link Light Rail station will be in place by the end of June. (Project link:
  • NORTH POLICE PRECINCT UPDATE: Melanie talked about a series of dialogues the Seattle Police Department North Precinct will be hosting. These will be an opportunity to talk more deeply about the police department and the community. Three dialogues will take place in each of the five precincts, including some in Licton Springs. Interested residents can sign up here:
  • PRECINCT REPORT: Mike gave a precinct report. At the last meeting, hosts went over each new state law related to policing. Governor Inslee has signed all but two. One new law establishes a duty for officers to intervene and report. The hosts of the meeting talked about the encampment at the part being cleaned up. On the first Wednesday of the month, social workers went to the site to let people know they would need to leave. There had been some incidents that led to the decision to clear the park. Car theft and homicides are up recently in general, but crime is down locally.
  • BELLWEATHER HOUSING: Lindsey will be sending out a link to a survey Bellwether housing is conducting related to their future housing project and long house at North Seattle College. They are looking for community input on the project.
  • LISTSERV DISCUSSION: There was a discussion about outreach and information sharing via the listserv on the Licton Springs hotmail account. Attendees agreed that less is more when it comes to using the hotmail account for sharing information. However, there was some discussion about increasing outreach via social media like Facebook and Instagram. The directors voted to create a Licton Springs Instagram account. Lindsey volunteered to manage the account. She will also add Bekah as an admin on the Licton Springs Neighborhood account and remove Janice Lichtenwaldt.

Event Planning - MUSIC IN THE PARK: There was a discussion about a music in the park event. Lindsey has been in email conversation with Boundless NW about an event over the summer. Dianne Trani asked about the cost of such an event. Lindsey said the council paid musicians ~$150 each for last year’s event. - HALLOWEEN EVENTS: There was a discussion about a potential Halloween event but the topic was informally tabled as it’s several months away and the COVID-19 situation could be different then. Bob will get in touch with Casey at Epic Life Church for an update on what they’re doing.

Minutes by Lindsey Webb, Secretary

Next meeting: June 16

Licton Springs Community Council Monthly Treasurer Report

4/21/2021 through 5/19/2021

Date Line Item Transaction Amount Bank Balance
04/21/2021 Beginning Bank Balance $0.00 $7,576.20
04/24/2021 Donation from Kevin Sheets $10.00 $7,586.20
05/15/2021 Check 1371 to Liberty Mutual Insurance -$250.00 $7,336.20
Fund Type Fund Amount
Funds for Licton Springs Community Council 4,229.05
Dedicated Funds for Licton Springs Park $3,107.15
TOTAL Combined Funds $7,336.20

I completed our annual Certification with Benevity on 04/20/2021.

We received an email from Fred Meyer on 4/28/2020 of .44 donation, but this has not reached our Verity account and will not until it reaches $25.00.


Council Meeting Minutes April 2021


Meeting Date/Time: April 21 2021 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the May 2021 meeting.

Attendance Notes

  • Online meeting by Zoom due to Coronavirus restrictions
  • Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Ellen Beck, Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Bekah Gautrowski, Michael Cuadra, and Kathleen Braden
  • Business Representatives present: Bob Blade (Salt Blade)
  • Attendees: Dianne Trani, Matt Gautrowski, Janice Holkup, Kevin Sheets, Kevin Bergsrud, Sam Williamson, Robin Amadon (LIHI) and Jenny Frankl (Clean Streets)

Introductions, House-Keeping, and Reports from Visitors

  • Janice started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone. She announced that she will be stepping down from the Board and M/S/A to commend Janice Lichtenwaldt for her service to Licton Springs Community Council, including her leadership as President.
  • Minutes of March 17, 2021 were approved as distributed Treasurer’s Report sent by Ellen (attached below) was approved.
  • Robin of Low Income Housing Institute updated group on plans for 104 unit, 7 story building to open 2023 on Aurora/Nesbit 8700 with studios and up to 3 bedrooms. Final portion of funding still pending. DESC will have project nearby and Robin will provide information about any potential transportation disruption during construction. The building will have space for community gatherings.
  • Kevin Bergsrud of Parks Dept updated re: Licton Springs Park new interpretive sign to be placed on boulder 4 X 6ft. with engraving near north spring next to path that starts at 97th St. Design was undertaken under supervision of Salish people involved in historic status of park (Matt Remly) and a ceremony will take place in May or June.
  • Jenny Frankl updated group on Adopt-A-Street program for litter pickup. She followed up with details.

Vote on Nominations for the Board of Directors

  • Elected through voice vote (As voted allowable at the March 2021 meeting, due to the virtual setting):
  • For two year terms to 2023: Kathleen Braden, Mike Cuadra, Bekah Gautrowski, Lindsey Webb.
  • For one year term to 2022: Liz Kearns, Melanie Davies.
  • The Board has three vacancies and, per by-laws, voted Bob Blade for seat on the Board through 2023 (in addition to his representation as business in community).
  • Election of officers:
  • Melanie Davies, President
  • Mike Cuadra, Vice-President
  • Lindsey Webb, Secretary
  • Liz Kearns, Treasurer
  • Ellen Beck will be moving to another neighborhood and will be leaving Board but LSCC is appreciative of her service as secretary and treasurer and her long affiliation with the LSCC.

Updates to ongoing committee and council work

  • Led by Lindsey Webb, group discussed possibilities for musical event in Licton Springs neighborhood or park summer 2021. Several Board members offered to help and asked Bob Blade to contact Boundless Collective people. Lindsey will spearhead planning.
  • Melanie updated on AARP grant for Meridian (resolution passed April 14, 2021 with five yes, three abstain). Liz asked to see completed grant proposal. See attachment.
  • Bekah updated on by-laws ad hoc committee, which had its first meeting and noted the goals are cleaning up and putting order to by-laws, making them more inclusive, and incorporating concerns of community members.
  • Matt noted he now has control of LSCC website and is posting minutes.

Minutes by Kathleen Braden, Secretary

Next meeting: May 19

Licton Springs Community Council Monthly Treasurer Report

3/15/2021 through 4/20/2021

Date Line Item Transaction Amount Bank Balance
03/15/2021 Beginning Bank Balance $0.00 $8,147.13
03/19/2021 Check 1370 t0 David Gehman reimb. for LSCC tools -$570.93 $7,576.20
Fund Type Fund Amount
Funds for Licton Springs Community Council 4,469.05
Dedicated Funds for Licton Springs Park $3,107.15
TOTAL Combined Funds $7,576.20

I completed our annual Certification with Benevity on 04/20/2021.

We received an email from Fred Meyer on 4/28/2020 of .44 donation, but this has not reached our Verity account and will not until it reaches $25.00.


Council Meeting Minutes March 2021


Meeting Date/Time: March 17 2021 6:30-7:40 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the April 2021 meeting.

Attendance Notes

  • Online meeting by Zoom due to Coronavirus restrictions
  • Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Bekah Gautrowski, Michael Cuadra, and Kathleen Braden
  • Business Representatives present: Bob Blade (Salt Blade)
  • Attendees: Joy McEldery, Dianne Trani, Matt Gautrowski, Osbaldo Hernandez

Introductions and House-Keeping

  • Janice started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.
  • Minutes of Feb. 17 2021 were approved as circulated. Treasurer’s Report was approved (attached below). Liz noted that the Parks’ tools fund is specially designated.
  • Osbaldo noted he is now on the City’s team to coordinate vaccinations, especially for the Lumen field site, but that he hopes there will be special sites for North Seattle in the future. He will be reaching out to LSCC and other neighborhood groups for help in getting the word out and getting people registered.
  • Other attendees introduced themselves and noted some issues of interest, including homeless population in the area and property crime.

Nominations for the Board of Directors

  • The group discussed the need to update by-laws, including on the election of Board members and officers. M/S/A to suspend the by-laws re:voting process and allow a verbal vote both for nominations at this meeting and elections at April 21 meeting.
  • Nominations approved for Board of Directors (to be voted on at April meeting)
  • For two year terms to 2023: Ellen Beck, Kathleen Braden, Mike Cuadra, Bekah Gautrowski, Janice Lichtenwaldt, Lindsey Webb, Bob Blade.
  • For one year term to 2022: Liz Kearns, Melanie Davies.

Updates to ongoing committee and council work

  • Janice will continue outreach to Amanda and Tim re:coordinating with Matt on the website for the Council.
  • Melanie will be attending the Aurora Reimagined Coalition meeting upcoming.
  • Kathleen reported on the Community Roots zoom meeting re housing at the Northgate Area (link: .
  • Mike reported on NPAC meeting and plans for housing at North Seattle College, something in very early planning stages.

Additional Agenda Items

  • Bob noted that unhoused populations may be able to receive the government stimulus money okayed from federal government via debit card if they do not have bank accounts.

Minutes by Kathleen Braden, Secretary

Next meeting: April 21

Licton Springs Community Council Monthly Treasurer Report

1/23/2021 through 3/15/2021

Date Line Item Transaction Amount Bank Balance
01/23/2021 Beginning Bank Balance $0.00 $6,494.04
01/30/2021 Donation from Kroger $3.09 $6,497.13
02/03/2021 Grant for LSPark tools deposited by Liz Kearns $1,650.00 $8,147.13
Fund Type Fund Amount
Funds for Licton Springs Community Council 4,469.05
Dedicated Funds for Licton Springs Park $3,678.08
TOTAL Combined Funds $8,147.13

We received an email from Fred Meyer on 4/28/2020 of .44 donation, but this has not reached our Verity account and will not until it reaches $25.00.


Council Meeting Minutes February 2021


Meeting Date/Time: Feb. 17 2021 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These minutes were approved at the March 2021 meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Lindsey Webb, Melanie Davies, Liz Kearns, Bekah Gautrowski, Michael Cuadra, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Dianne Trani, Matt Gautrowski, Janice Holkup, Noah An (from Dan Strauss office)

Melanie started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.

Minutes of Jan 27 2021were approved as circulated.

Noah An discussed fossil fuels policy decisions for new construction, Hope Team startup, COVID relief funding.

Bekah reported on her establishment of an ad-hoc committee for by-law revisions.

Kathleen reported that Bob Blade of Blade Meats was happy to be invited as a business member and agreed. She contacted Osbaldo Hernandez of DON but he has not responded. She met with John Lombard of D5 group and will be meeting Feb 19 with him and others to look at pedestrian bridge construction progress. She also reported on email from Lee Bruch on group “Fix Aurora” email attached and the Council agreed to indicate our support for this effort. Their next meeting is Feb 26 at 7 PM.

Melanie noted email from Jenny Frankl (attached) re cleanup.

Mike reported on NPAC meeting where homelessness and trash cleanup was discussed and they heard from Kevin Mundt of Hope Team.

Lindsey raised possibility of another music event in the neighborhood, perhaps over the summer and the idea was favorably received.

Minutes by Kathleen Braden, Secretary

Next meeting March 17


Council Meeting Minutes Nov 2020


Meeting Date/Time: Nov. 18, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

These meeting minutes were approved at the January 2021 meeting.

Online meeting by Zoom due to Corona virus restrictions

Directors present: Janice Lichtenwaldt, Lindsey Webb, Liz Kearns, Ellen Beck, and Kathleen Braden

Attendees: Dianne Trani, Tracy Cramer, Mike Cuadra, Emma Medicine White Crow, Bekah Manikowski (Gautrowski) and Matt, Peter Reid, Becky Edmonds, Jenny Frankl

Janice started the meeting at 6:35 and welcomed everyone.

Minutes of Oct 21, 2020 were approved as circulated. Treasurer’s Report was approved.

  1. Issues of interest from Visitors: Jenny Frankl of SPU Clean Cities Litter Abatement shared information on litter route for Licton Springs. (attached). Liz noted a work party upcoming Dec. 12 for Licton Springs Park with volnteers from Blanchet H.S.

  2. Becky Edmonds made a presentation on Restricted Parking Zone and other parking issues in Licton Springs area. (study map below). If the RPZ is expanded (there is an existing one due to NSCollege) with upcoming transportation changes, cost is $65/year for two year cycle. Low income people have an option of paying $10.

  3. Jenny discussed the litter abatement program that started in 2017 in the city and in 2018 in Licton Springs-Aurora area. A contractor is paid to cover Aurora between 84th and 105th. Parks Dept deals with parks so that is not part of their program. The volume of calls has not increased, but the volume of litter picked up has. The public cans along Aurora havea four times/week pick up for garbage and three times per week for recycling. Tracy suggested using free form at bottom of Find It Fix It app for special pickups for neighbors who voluntarily pick up litter.

  4. Board elections for 2021 were discussed. Our usual schedule for elections had been postponed last spring due to pandemic. Nominations are due in March. Let Kathleen know if Board members are interested in serving again. She will construct a recruitment statement for Dianne Trani from jet City Apts. to sed to residents to try to get representaiton from renters in neighborhood. Everyone wil try to recruit people, with an eye toward more divesity.

  5. We are unable to do holiday party and Epic Life Church is not planning lights in Licton Springs Park this year but Ellen noted there will b e a tree on the Burke cul-de-sac

Notes by Kathleen Braden, secretary, LSCC

No meeting in December.

Scheduled meetings for 2021: January 20, Feb 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, Sept 15, Oct 20, Nov 17
