LICTON SPRINGS COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes of April 4 2018 Meridian Center for Health, 10521 Meridian Ave. N., Seattle 98133 Directors Present: Jan Brucker, Liz Kearns, Melanie Davies, Tom Meyer, and Kathleen Braden. Jan convened the meeting at 6:30 PM. People attending introduced themselves. Dave Kunkel, who has done so much to preserve Pillings Pond and its waterfowl, visited and made a brief report on the property. He noted the section with the pond has been a designated wetland and requires much upkeep. The property sold recently for $650,000. Dave has been feeding and caring for over 100 fowl, mainly wood ducks (see photo), many of which he has raised. Dave reviewed the history of the property since several people had come to the meeting to show interest in it. He noted the family that purchased the property has an interest in ducks, but most likely will be renting out the house. Dave is continuing to manage the property. Jan reviewed past efforts, particularly by Dave Barber and neighborhood groups to keep it preserved. The Parks Dept. does not seem inclined to take it on. There was a suggestion to revive Friends of Pillings Pond as in the past, there had been non-profit status for a group with that name. A neighbor who was attending out of interest in the property, indicated she might like to help with that effort. Kathleen will send her contact information for others who have been involved in the past.
Lee Bruch made a presentation on Aurora Avenue and noted that it is a good time to consider future improvements. Lee is hoping to create a coalition of north end groups who have a stake in the corridor and has already approached many neighborhood groups such as Haller Lake, Green lake, Bitter Lake, Greenwood, ALUV. Part of the impetus came from a recent series of stories on KUOW radio about the corridor. Lee has also been asked to write something for “The Urbanist”. The group reviewed past efforts and asked Lee some questions about role of WSDOT, evolution of thinking on the part of businesses along Aurora. A re-paving project will occur summer of 2018
[secretary’s note: see list of District Five 2018 street and utility projects at D5 Projects 2018] Spring event- Melanie noted ALUV liked the idea of a garage sale event, perhaps for school parking lots. Jan also presented information on the Seattle Symphonic Band at North Seattle College. A possibility of music in the park and budget was briefly discussed in an introductory, exploratory way (no details). The Council noted the March 26 meeting on Licton Village low barrier encampment and an interest in the community on crime rates. There was also an analysis on crime rates nearby done on NextDoor. [secretary note- Draft Minutes Community Advisory Meeting March 22 2018] The minutes of March 21 2018 were presented and Joseph had several corrections, so he will send them to Kathleen and the minutes can be approved. The Treasurer’s Report of March 2018 was approved. Vote on Board Members: Per Articles VII and VIII of the Licton Springs Community Council By-Laws, the following people, having been nominated at the March 2018 meeting, were voted on and approved for terms through April 2020:
- Joseph Amann
- Ellen Beck
- Jan Brucker
- Melanie Davies
- Liz Kearns
In accord with Article VII-4 on filling a vacancy, the Board elected as a member Tim Crosley and his term will run through April of 2018 as well. M/S/Unanimous approval to thank Tom Meyer who has served for many years. Tom indicate he will still be available to assist with improving communication for the Council. Officers- elected by the Board are as follows: Thomas Stachiw – President Joseph Amann- Vice-President Kathleen Braden – Secretary Ellen Beck-Treasurer
Liz Kearns gave an update on Licton Springs and Mineral Springs Parks, including how to report campers in the parks to the City. The April 3 meeting with Randy Wiger of Parks Dept on Mineral Springs Park had not been very well attended, possibly due to poor publicity. There is a hope to get the disk golfing community more involved in future meetings. Melanie Davies will contact Mary Amberg of Seattle Police Dept to see if she could attend a June meeting on safety issues. Jan noted that we are lacking a representative to the Seattle Police Advisory Committee and that Birgit Ardea might be interested in this service and Jan will contact her about it.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. Notes submitted by Kathleen Braden, Secretary